Selasa, 07 Juni 2011


yesterday, they were fighting again...

maybe one of them was blaming on you,
but maybe you're too tired she always blame on you
she said, it was your fault
but you didn't feel that was your fault

you wanna run
to the place where you can go alone
just with yourself
do whatever you want
where no one can blame on you anymore

you want stay away from them
close your ears with both of your hand
or keep your ears open
but ignore what they said

they didn't know what they said
they didn't know what you feel
they just said but they don't want to know what your feel
or pretending to don't know

you have dreams
dreams that make you happy
dreams that at least make you ignore you psst

but, unfortunately you don't know your future
so you can't if the dreams can be true or just dreams

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